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Espace Ressources

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Open Learning
The current issue of Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning is a special issue on Open Educational Resources. The issue is intended to provide an introduction to the emerging OER movement and its implications for education systems and institutions, educators and learners. The articles describe a range of initiatives and issues, and articulate the vision of some of the most committed and passionate champions of Open Educational Resources.


Lire la suite...

1. A decade of development... (David Wiley and Seth Gurrell)

2. The unwalled garden: growth of the OpenCourseWare Consortium, 2001-2008 (Steve Carson)

3. Challenges in the adoption and use of OpenCourseWare: experience of the United Nations University (Brendan F.D. Barrett, Velma I. Grover, Tomasz Janowski, Hanneke van Lavieren, Adegboyega Ojo and Philipp Schmidt)

4. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health OpenCourseWare (Sukon Kanchanaraksa, Ira Gooding, Brian Klaas and James D. Yager)

5. The road to Free and Open Educational Resources at the University of the Western Cape: a personal and institutional journey (Derek Keats)

6. Re-invigorating openness at The Open University: the role of Open Educational Resources (Brenda Gourley and Andy Lane)

7. OpenER, a Dutch initiative in Open Educational Resources (Robert Schuwer and Fred Mulder)

8. Open Educational Resources in India's national development (M.S. Vijay Kumar)

9. The Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (Paul West and John Daniel)

10. Permission granted: open licensing for educational resources (Ahrash N. Bissell)

Routledge, Open Learning's publisher, has agreed to make this particular issue of the journal freely accessible to all online, in recognition of its open theme and the importance of the issues involved .


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