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UNESCO, Mobile Learning Week, APRELIA's  Presentation

In collaboration with international partners,  teachers training institutes, publishers from 6 ECOWAS countries, we will be shortly holding an international symposium in Abidjan.


Followed by a training workshop on educational e-twinning, the event has three main goals:

  • launching the 1st set of Open e-text books in West Africa
  • launching the 1st West African collaborative  network of teacher trainers co-designing OER for teaching and learning, including resources related to the e-text books
  • setting up the educational e-twinning in Côte d'Ivoire, launching the 1st twinning between technical high-schools and adapting the e-twinning model to technical and vocational fields.

In order to ensure the best relevance to these activities, the conference will design a research and action program, monitored by African research in Education, for assessment and modelling : experimentation of access to digital resources, uses and practices in various contexts (inside/outside the classroom, on line/off line) and technological environment (computers, tablets, smartphones, interactive digital boards), learning and teaching impact measurement.

We will be launching an invitation to ICT companies in order to design with them the most relevant uses of mobile in the initiative.

Puiségur-Pouchin Geneviève

President and founder of APRELIA (Association for the promotion of African OER, aprelia.org  ), Geneviève Puiségur-Pouchin is in charge of the francophone e-twinning initiative, which was launched at an international workshop held in Dakar in April 2011, and run in close partnership with the CONFEMEN (Conference of Francophone Ministers of Education) and TESSA (Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa).

This initiative is a continuation of the project Reli@ (Open Educational Resources for African teachers ) that she launched in October 2008, during the first Inter African workshop to product African OER on a large scale.
She was in charge of the ICT theme at the " Bamako +5" conference (ADEA, World Bank, 2009) that issued a list of points of consensus and recommendations for the successful integration of ICT in African Education systems.

She has taught as a math teacher and teacher trainer in Côte d'Ivoire.

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