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Espace Ressources

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On Tuesday 1 Nov, Ms. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO will be officiating the launch of:

1. The UNESCO Open Educational Resources Platform

2. The UNESCO/COL Guidelines for OER in Higher Education

The UNESCO Open Educational Resources Platform is a first-ever, innovative online Platform offering selected UNESCO publications as open educational resources allowing our global community of stakeholders to freely use, copy, adapt, and re-share.

The OER Platform will be launched with an OER version of the UNESCO Model Curricula for Journalism Education with shared OER adaptations from the Polytechnic of Namibia and the University of Namibia.

The UNESCO/COL Guidelines on Open Educational Resources in Higher Education outlines key issues and suggestions for integrating OER into higher education to support quality teaching and learning. The aim of this document, prepared by the Secretariat, is to encourage educational stakeholders to invest in the production, adaptation, and use of OER, and to improve the quality of curricula and teaching.

The Launch is scheduled for 6:30pm Paris time (GMT-1) and will be live-streamed in:

English - mms://stream.unesco.org/live/room_10_en.wmv

Français - mms://stream.unesco.org/live/room_10_fr.wmv

Please refer to the UNESCO OER Programme site (www.unesco.org/webworld/en/oer) for more information.

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