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Source : Infodev
The advances on information and communication technologies has led to eLearning solutions for those with limited access to education. Join the debate on what strategies are needed to deploying eLearning in Developing Countries.

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More than 60% of students who qualify for University or tertiary education in the developing countries are not able to join due to limited physical infrastructure. With the introduction of elearning, these students can be admitted in extra mural programs. The concept of brick universities has to be replaced with click technology.

The World Wide Web and advances in Open Source Software have led to an eLearning Revolution, where students can access a plethora of learning materials, easily and conveniently. This has been propelled by the Hardware Industry where the processing power of computers is doubling every 18 months (Moore’s Law) and yet the prices either reduce or remain the same.

Join the debate on Strategies for Deploying eLearning in Developing Countries now !

Learn more:

Access to ICT| Climate Technology Program| Devices| Education| Geographic Information Systems| Global Forum | Governance| Health| Innovation & Entrepreneurship| Monitoring & Evaluation| New ICT4D Research| Rural Livelihoods

Join the online discussion now on EduTechDebate.org

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