Catégorie : Formations

thumb 2248Source : Open University

This enhanced SPRINT school-based continuing professional development (SBCPD) programme is designed to support active teaching and learning in line with the Zambian revised school curriculum. SPRINT stands for ‘School Program of In-service Training for the Term’. The expectation in Zambia is that all teachers take part in SBCPD. Schools are expected to make a plan for regular teacher group meetings (TGMs) in which issues around teaching and learning are discussed. This collection provides resources to support this process.

While the classroom examples and videos contained in this programme are taken from Zambian classrooms, the ideas and examples are relevant more widely to teachers and those who support teachers, who aspire to be more learner-centred in their approach to teaching, and can be adapted for your own context. The courses draw on the TESSA OER.

This SBCPD programme* has been developed in Zambia in collaboration with the Ministry of General Education, with the input of 600 teachers and District Officials from Central Province. It is supported by The Open University (UK) and World Vision Zambia, funded by The Scottish Government. The content is made available under the Open Government Licence v3.0

This collection has 7 courses. 'Getting started' should be studied first. Courses 1-6 are designed to be undertaken as part of a School-Based CPD programme, with each course taking one term. However, they can be used flexibly as required. The activities are designed to be undertaken by groups of teachers working together during teacher group meetings (TGMs) but can be undertaken by any teachers working on their own or in informal groups.

The collection

*ZEST : Zambian Education School-Based Training



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